Indigenous Australian art gallery est. 1989.

Annie Petyarre Biography and CV

Annie Petyarre

Born on Utopia in 1965, Annie Petyarre belongs to the Alyawarre people, whose Country extends from Utopia almost to Mt Isa. The Dreamings Annie primarily represents in her works on linen are: the Yam, Wild Potato and wildflowers such as the Honey Grevillea from a sacred area called Enteebra. Enteebra is a sacred women's site on Utopia where Alyawarre women, Petyarre and Kngwarreye, gather to  renew  and perform  their  ceremonies.

Annie was initially influenced by early, powerful ceremonial paintings by Lily Sandover Kngwarreye. In the last few years Annie and her sisters, Susie and Jessie Petyarre, have created their own style. Their works use a technique of intricate, complex fine lines, created with a painting needle to depict lines of flora like silken thread.

Annie's brother, Sandy Hunter Petyarre, is also an artist and her mother, Molly Pwerle, is the sister of celebrated painter, Minnie Pwerle

View Annie Petyarre's paintings



National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
The Holmes a Court Collection, Perth
The Art Gallery of New South Wales 



2018  Delmore Gallery: Utopia Women, Merricks Art Gallery, Victoria, Australia
2017  Utopia: the artists of Delmore Downs, Yaama Ganu Gallery, Moree
2016  Utopia Sisters - The Petyarre Women, Delmore Gallery with RedSea Gallery, Brisbane, QLD
2008  Power of Place, Tandanya, Adelaide
2007  Standing on Ceremony, Tandanya Cultural Institute, Adelaide
2005  Yam Dreaming - Atnwelarre, Mbantua Gallery, Alice Springs
2005  Small Wonders, Mbantua Gallery, Alice Springs
2003  Heart and Soul, Mbantua Gallery, Alice Springs
2002  Galerie Le Temps du Reve, France
2002  Hogarth Galleries, Sydney
2002  Glen Eira City Gallery, Melbourne
2002  Generations, Japingka Gallery, Perth
2001  Japingka Gallery, Perth
2001  Raintree Aboriginal Art Gallery, Darwin
2001  Painting Country, Tandanya, Adelaide
2000  DACOU (in association with AMP), Mary Place Gallery, Sydney
2000  Artists of Utopia, Tandanya, Adelaide
2000  Women’s Business, Australian Exhibition Centre, Chicago, USA
1999  BMG Art, Adelaide
1999  Caring for Country – Artists of Utopia, Tandanya, Adelaide
1998  Quadrivium Gallery, Sydney
1997  Sutton Gallery, Melbourne
1997  DACOU Gallery, Adelaide
1996  Utopia Dreaming, Soho Gallery, Sydney
1990  Utopia: A Picture Story, 88 works on silk from The Holmes a Court Collection that toured Scotland and to Harvard University, USA 


1998  Selected entrant for the 15th annual National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Award


  • Birnberg, M. & Kreczmanski, J.B. (2004) Aboriginal Artists Dictionary of Biographies: Central Desert, Western Desert & Kimberley Region. J.B. Publishing Australia, Marleston, South Australia